AX3000 – Heating

AX3000 – Heating
Design complex heating systems quickly, safely and with maximum efficiency
The AX3000 heating module is one of the most up-to-date and comprehensive solutions for designing heating systems. With AX3000 you can create even complex systems quickly, securely and easily. The software takes a lot of work off your hands with its integrated material databases, numerous automatic features and interactive drawing functions.
It also allows you to work in the CAD environment and with the drawing functions you are familiar with. The Easyline tool enables you to design a system with simple line commands.
You can rest assured that all standards and regulations are taken into account during the design process. The software not only knows all applicable standards – for example EN 12831, H7500, VDI 6030, etc. – but also automatically accesses up-to-date databases for manufacturers’ objects and pipe material.
All important calculations and parts lists can be generated directly in the software.
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Get personalised information about the AX3000 heating module:
Convenient drawing and visualisation features
- Easyline single-line design
- Smart drawing elements (2D/3D pipe design)
- 3D pipe design
- 3D radiator positioning
- Automatic or manual labelling
- Isometric pipe layout diagrams
- Isometric, 3D pipe systems and radiators
Efficient design of distribution and central systems
- Automatically adopts 3D manufacturers’ objects (pumps, valves, etc.)
- Automatic access to materials and flange tables
- Software-supported calculations of distributor diameters
- Connectors can be positioned with different dimensions
- Fitting sets can be positioned at a pre-defined height
Reliable calculations of heat demand as well as thermal comfort
- Heating load calculated directly in CAD according to current standards
- Determining room area and volume to calculate the heat required
- Calculating thermal comfort in accordance with VDI 6030
- List of heat required in accordance with EN 12831 and H7500
Varied and flexible planning that gives you all the freedom you need
- Dual-pipe systems and Tichelmann systems
- Simultaneous feed/return design
- Change of medium via density and viscosity
- Specified minimum diameter
- Surface heating according to EN 1264 and EN 15377
Powerful automatic features for efficient designing
- Dimensions pipes automatically according to R constant
- Automatic valve setting list
- Assigns required fittings automatically
- Designs radiators automatically for individual rooms or entire floors via VDI6030 or via feed/return temperature
- Automatically transfers radiator manufacturer data according to VDI 3805
- Positions radiators in the room automatically
- Connects radiators automatically
Fine-tuned radiator design
- Position radiators manually with performance check
- Specify the minimum/maximum radiator size; change the radiator size
- Determine connection type and valves; change connection types
Flexibly dimensioned surface heating systems
- Dimensions in accordance with EN 1264 and EN 15377
- The graphic display of heating circuits and surfaces allows for reliable visual checks
Hands-on analysis and automatically generated lists
- Detailed parts lists of heating objects, sanitary objects, pipes and fittings
- Valve setting lists
- Pressure loss calculation
- Calculation of the water quantities in the pipe system and in the radiators
Automatic room book log for heating and sanitation systems
- Recorded room number and room name
- Table selection for room names
- Automatically increasing room number
Heating distributor – pump in detail
Isometric drawing – rise pipe with central system
Isometric drawing – rise pipe with central system and ventilation units
Heating distributor