Research & development

City of the future
Increasing urbanisation means a growing demand for energy and resources. How can we reconcile our high demands on quality of life, productivity, mobility and communication with climate protection and the conservation of finite resources?
The ‘City of the Future’ programme addresses this big question. In essence, it’s about contributing to the modernisation and resource efficiency of Austrian cities with newly developed, innovative solutions.
The focus is on new or improved technologies, technological (sub-) systems and urban services for integration and testing in buildings and neighbourhoods.

ICT of the future
One of the strategic priorities of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology is the future of information and communication technology (ICT).
The ‘ICT of the Future ‘ programme focuses on projects, for example, that contribute to economic transformation using existing data.
The call for proposals ‘Interdisciplinary ICT for Resilience and Distancing’ is motivated by the current COVID crisis: How can we increase human, systemic or organisational resilience with ICT tools? What solutions are there to enable cooperation and communication despite day-to-day social distancing requirements?
When the COVID pandemic is over, the project content and tools developed should still be useful.

IFC Roundtrip with engineering drawings
The real estate industry is becoming increasingly agile and cost sensitive. Smooth collaborative processes are acquiring prime importance: it is more and more important for contractors, facility managers and designers to exchange and synchronise the building model between different software solutions and automatically extract modified engineering drawings. The technical term for this seamless interaction between software solutions is ‘round-trip engineering’.
In the research project ‘IFC Roundtrip with engineering drawings’, a round-trip data transfer technology is to be developed based on the IFC format (Industry Foundation Classes) enabling a cross-software data exchange of digital building models and the extraction of the required engineering drawings.